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The Paperboy
Pete Dexter
The Dinosauria
David B. Weishampel, Peter Dodson, Halszka Osmólska
The Two Koreas: A Contemporary History (Revised and Updated Edition)
Don Oberdorfer

State of Fear

State of Fear - Michael Crichton I think there are only four reactions that one can have to this book. The first is indifference, because that blank response is always a possibility. The second is that if you do not believe in global warming, you will love this book and not really understand Crichton's real message. The third and fourth are that if you do believe in global warming, you will either hate this book and not really understand Crichton's real message, or like the book and find it disrupts what you believe in, forcing you to question a lot of what you thought you knew about global warming over the years. I continue to hold out hope that most people will fall into the fourth category, although I can see from some of the reviews I glanced through that we are graced with some from the third category on this site. It's a very interesting novel, and I would highly recommend it to anyone open-minded.